Henan Doing Mechanical Equipment Co.,Ltd

Establish the cassava processing plant, include casssava starch processing plant, cassava flour plant and garri processing plant



Cassava production in Nigeria

Date:Aug 29, 2016/ News/ Chat online

cassava production

Cassava roots 

Cassava (Manihot esculenta) production is vital to the economy of Nigeria as the country is the world's largest producer of the commodity. The crop is produced in 24 of the country's 36 states. In 1999, Nigeria produced 33 million tonnes, while a decade later, it produced approximately 45 million tonnes, which is almost 19% of production in the world. The average yield per hectare is 10.6 tonnes.

In Nigeria, cassava production is well-developed as an organized agricultural crop. It has well-established multiplication and processing techniques for food products and cattle feed. There are more than 40 cassava varieties in use. Cassava is processed in many processing centres and fabricating enterprises set up in the country.

Cassava, which is rich in starch in the form of carbohydrate, has multiple uses. It is consumed in many processed forms, in the industry and also as livestock feed. Roots  are made into flours. Flours are of three types, yellow garri, white garri, or intermediate colour, with yellow garri considered the best product in Nigeria. Its other products are as dry extraction of starch, glue or adhesives, modified starch in pharmaceutical as dextrines, as processing inputs, as industrial starch for drilling, and processed foods.

Our company supply the complete set cassava production equipment and machinery to help processing cassava . The cassava production included the cassava starch production ,cassava flour production , cassava garri production and other kind cassava  product production .

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